September 15, 2008


Motorcycle we bought a HOG on Saturday

Off, I didn't have to work today


Dare to be better

Always srtive to be the best

YES u can!!!!

This is what Monday is about.

September 10, 2008

MidWeek Musings/MWM

This is the first
of my
MidWeek Musings...MWM

I took this photo of this writing (agiope) spider which I think is appropriate for this post. If you look closely you can see the zig-zag which it weaves in it's web...hence calling it the writing spider. This spiders web was not

Questions to ponder...or possible art prompts

  1. What do you pack to pursue a dream and what do you leave behind?

  2. How can something be "new" and "improved" because if it's new what was improved?

  3. Do prison buses have emergency exits?

  4. How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

  5. Is the answer in the question?

September 9, 2008

Columbus OH, Morning

Who would think that the view from a Motel Six it could look so good out side your door. Keep in mind when traveling with Jack the dog you some times have to stay in some more doggie friendly abode.
No matter where you stay there is still beauty to be seen. This is the picture from our first morning in Columbus. The rainbow at this point is not as magnificent as it appeared when I went for copy but it is still magical.

September 3, 2008


A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in

I am starting vacation tomorrow and it already seems like I am on a time line with too much to do and only so much time to do it in.

Therefore I must adjust and just relax and take it easy. I am prepared to be amazed...

Let's get packed it's a ROADTRIP!



Well even if your party is large you must ensure you have all the ingredients that make it a success:

  • Great Food


  • Sweet Treats

  • Interesting People

  • A cozy comfy place

  • A great Host/Hostess

And only let you dog bite one of your guest and if he must bite a guest let it be one of your guest with a sense of humor or thick skin.