April 19, 2009


Sunday afternoon and some personal time to just play. An afternoon to release some creativity. Only to end the afternoon with 2-WIP.

I started out with this plain piece of wood. I had this vision in my mind --but some how the vision has not yet materialized into a finished project. Hence a WIPMy second project was just to started with just wanting to use the peeling paint technique on something. I started with the layers:canvas, old dictionary pages, picture of Rosa Parks, acrylic paint, Vaseline to create the peeling effect and voila' a WIP.
Right now as you can see nothing is completed but it is oh so close and it was a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
to be continued...

April 12, 2009

Easter Message

"So trust Me. I am with you all the time, controlling, blessing, and helping."


In just 30 days the snow moved in and out and the birds are now nesting. The Carolina Blue Bird has taken up residence in the Wren house. The Wren is nesting under the table saw. The Cardinals address is unknown.

April 11, 2009


If only Inspiration was as simple as altering a basket and calling it your Inspiration Basket. There is a plus to having a basket it you can use it to hold items that inspire inspiration for other projects.